Jean-Luc Marión proposes L'adonné, the one that is "questioned" or "called", as an alternative for overcoming the modern subject. The question is the one that is constituted from the phenomenon of the call, and it constitutes phenomenologically according to the convocation, surprise, interlocution and facticity. The individuation of L'adonné takes place in the facticity of the call, which establishes an equivalence between the access of those who are called to themselves as "themselves", thus performing ipseity. The call allows the "I" to discover itself questioned by it, because it is earlier the one that is called. On the other hand, for John Duns Scotus, individuation is constitutive to the singular and cannot be based on elements outside it. Individuation is made possible by the ontological structure of the singular, and the individual is the result of the contraction of nature (natura), a structure shared between those who belong to the same species, by the individual difference (differentia individualis), a formal structure that allows each singular to be performed exclusively.
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