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How to Cite

Benevides, R. B. G. (2021). STRUCTURE AND CHIASM IN MERLEAU-PONTY. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 13(2), 208–225. Retrieved from


The Structure of Behavior (1942) and The Visible and the Invisible (1964) mark different stages on the development of Merleau-Ponty’s ontological systematization. The division between the physical, vital and human orders laid out in the 1940’s reveals to be insufficient with the subsequent introduction of the notion of Flesh as the primordial element of Being. Nonetheless, the paper argues that despite the notable and, at times, incompatible differences between these two stages of ontological thought, the concepts of Structure (Gestalt) and Chiasm hold a correlated function which indicates a certain continuity in the work of the philosopher. Therefore, the paper demonstrates the parallelism between the notions of Chiasm and Structure.

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