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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • All the policies of the journal have been duly read, understood and accepted, particularly those concerning the ethics and plagiarism policy, the LLM use policy, the copyright and licensing policy. Authors submitting their manuscripts must agree to all the journal's policies.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not under consideration for publication by another journal; otherwise, you must justify in "Comments to editor".
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format, with any element of authorship identification removed, including in the file's metadata. Files with identifying authorship will be disapproved immediately by the editor.
  • URLs and DOIs for references are given when possible.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics rather than underlining (except in URL addresses); figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document as attachments.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors on the About the Journal page.

Author Guidelines

1. General guidelines

From 2018 on, Synesis will only publish unpublished articles by authors with doctoral or doctoral degrees, who submit their unpublished contributions and accept the journal's guidelines regarding the evaluation of contributions by two double blind peer-reviewers.

Articles from other authors will only be evaluated if they are co-authored by Ph.

The process of submission and evaluation of articles is free of charge, according to the institutional policy. We recommend that you read the copyright policy before submitting your article.

The article submitted for possible publication in Synesis should be written in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French according to the model available here.

The article must be sent exclusively through UCP's electronic editing and publication system (SEER). The article must be sent in .doc or .docx format.

The submitted article must not contain any information that would allow the identification of authorship, due to the double blind review system. The identification of authorship is done by the author's registration in the electronic system of the journal and its knowledge is restricted to the editor of the journal and is not shared with the reviewers. Therefore, the journal requests collaborators to remove from the original file any information that allows the identification of authorship.

2. Extension and formatting of the article

The article should be written according to the template indicated in the link above.

The article should contain at least 10 pages and at most 25 pages, typed in A4 format, with top and left margins of 3cm and bottom and right margins of 2.5cm, paginated, with a justified paragraph, and the usual indentation of 1.5cm on the first line.

The font for the body text should be Garamond, size 12, for footnotes, size 10, and for quotations with more than three lines in the body text, size 11.

Paragraph spacing should be: 1. single spacing for the abstract, footnotes and quotations with more than three lines in the body of the text; 2. 1.5 spacing for the remaining paragraphs.

3. Structuring of the article

Every article should contain the following parts:

Title and subtitle of the paper, in Portuguese and English, at the top of the page, according to model.
Abstract and keywords, according to model.
The body of the text should be subdivided into at least three parts, corresponding to the introduction, development and conclusion (or final considerations). The titles of the sections of the article should be numbered progressively, according to NBR 6024 (2003) and aligned to the left margin.
Long quotations, with more than three lines, must be typed without quotation marks, in size 11, with 4cm indentation from the left margin, without typographic resources (italic, bold, etc.), with simple line spacing, according to the model. Short quotations are inserted with quotation marks normally in the text, using double quotation marks.
References: must be presented in alphabetical order, according to the model and ABNT technical standards (NBR 6023, 2002).

4. References

The accuracy and adequacy of references to works that have been consulted and mentioned in the text are the author's responsibility. Information from personal communications, works in progress and unpublished works should not be included in the list of references, but indicated in a footnote where they are cited.

5. Illustrations

Illustrations should be sent in separate files, saved in extension .tif or .jpg, with 300dpi resolution.

6. LLM usage policy

Synesis will not accept text generated by Language Model Tools (LLMs) as credited authorship in research. AI tools cannot assume responsibility for the work, and any attribution of authorship carries with it the responsibility for the content.

Authors who utilize LLMs in their research must explicitly disclose this fact in their manuscript. This disclosure should include the name and version number of the model used and be provided in the methodology section or acknowledgments section of the manuscript.

The method or acknowledgments section must describe in detail how the generated text was produced using the LLM, including the parameters and settings used, and any additional pre-processing or post-processing steps applied to the generated text must be reported.

Authors must ensure that the generated text is factually accurate, relevant to the research question, and consistent with the existing knowledge in the field. The original writing and the text generated by the LLM must be clearly distinguished, and the generated text should be italicized and enclosed in quotation marks.

Authors must acknowledge the potential limitations of LLMs in their manuscript, including the potential for bias and errors. They should also explain how they addressed these issues to the best of their ability.

The use of LLMs in research must be justified based on the specific research question and the potential benefits of using the tool. The manuscript should explain the reasons for using LLMs and how they contributed to the research question.

The editorial team at Synesis reserves the right to request access to the raw data and code used in LLM-assisted research to verify the authenticity of the results.

Privacy Statement

During the entire evaluation process of the contributions submitted to Synesis, the confidentiality and anonymity of both authors and reviewers are guaranteed. The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.