The 21st century has witnessed a transformative era in education, where teachers and students play crucial roles in the learning process. Innovative approaches and technology integration have become essential to ensure effective learning. Microlearning, an innovative method for all-digital learning, holds great potential. This research aims to assess the effectiveness of microlearning in delivering learning content for Database courses. A quantitative pre-experimental study employing a one-group pretest-posttest design was conducted with 27 randomly selected students from the Computer Science program at Undiksha. The results indicate a notable improvement in student learning outcomes, with an N-Gain score of 0.59 (medium category) for microvideo content. Paired sample t-test analysis revealed a pretest average of 44.973 and a post-test average of 81.091, indicating a significant increase in learning outcomes. The significance value of 0.000, smaller than α = 0.05, further supports this finding. In conclusion, using microvideo content in the Database course demonstrated significant differences and enhanced student learning outcomes.
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