This article considers the specifics of Industry 4.0 regulation of the labor market. The transition to a digital economy significantly changes the nature of labor: the scope of physical labor is narrowing, and the number of remote-friendly professions is growing. Under such conditions, the labor market and its legal regulation inevitably undergo certain changes. The study aims at searching for legal regulation mechanisms that provide new opportunities for the use of labor by people with disabilities. The article dwells on the concept of Industry 4.0, as well as new risks and opportunities for labor relations. The authors of the article substantiate the need to change labor regulation during the transition to Industry 4.0 to minimize risks and realize the opportunities that open up for certain categories of the population. They also study the positive world experience of attracting people with disabilities to developing sectors of the economy. Conclusions are drawn about the possibility of spreading the positive experience of using the labor of disabled people in Industry 4.0 to more countries and various sectors of the economy, as well as improving labor legislation.
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