In the age of digital communications, there are significant changes in the mechanism for protecting human rights. Thus, more spheres of private life are entering a digital environment. Devoid of physical limitations, it develops and functions according to its own rules. First of all, the research subject is relevant since modern digital communications pose a real threat to privacy protection. The relevant litigation practice was analyzed using the methods of document analysis and content analysis. The authors of the article selected criminal cases related to violations of privacy that courts of first instance considered in the period 2021-2022 and judgments on privacy protection in Western jurisprudence. The authors conclude that traditional legal means and tools are not enough to solve privacy issues in the modern world. It is necessary to develop legal mechanisms to prevent the invasion of privacy, as well as clear criteria for possible interference in private life and its limitations. In the context of information globalization, the right to privacy can be ensured if a balanced system of legal protection is built.
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