Military aggression by Russia against Ukraine continues to destroy Ukraine's economy, social, transportation, and energy infrastructure, and the lives of its people, demolishing entire cities and villages and causing irreparable losses to the Ukrainian people and ecosystem. Ukraine needs to implement a massive recovery program, including effective anti-corruption reform, to rebuild the country after the war and integrate its economy into the European space. The article aims to study successful experiences of anti-corruption reforms and outline specifics of their application in Ukraine after the war's end. Methodology. The study uses an analytical-bibliographic method to examine scientific literature on anti-corruption reforms, as well as induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis of information, systemic-structural, comparative, logical-linguistic methods, abstraction, idealization for studying and processing data, and an online survey conducted by the authors of the study to practically clarify the most critical issues related to anti-corruption policy in Ukraine and the world. Results. The study has identified the main theoretical aspects of the anti-corruption experience and examined the views of scholars and department heads of local self-government bodies on the key features of this issue.
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