This article is dedicated to the development of the state's legal system and the information society at its current stage in the conditions of digitalization. The authors identified changes and peculiarities occurring in the legal structure that affect the transformation of the state legal system in connection with the processes of globalization and digitalization. The role of legal information in the systematization and institutionalization of legislation is determined. The study employs the dialectic method, which considers digital transformation processes as general social ones. These processes are significant for society in the development of the legal frame, the role of which is becoming increasingly important nowadays. The authors applied the general scientific method of analysis, which allowed them to consider the digital transformation issues from general to specific ones, highlighting trends, current issues, and prospects for law development under the technology influence. The paper utilizes a sociological approach, whereby the legal frame acquires a private-public expression aimed at meeting the needs of society and realizing national interests. The article identifies the vectors of modern basic scientific research development in the information and legal sphere aimed at innovative development under the influence of digital technologies. Also, the trends of information and legal regulation at the stage of development of the domestic legal system are identified. First, information and legal relations are becoming allied, i.e., regulated by different branches of law. Secondly, the legal branches use the concepts and legal instruments of law more intensively during technologization. Thirdly, regulating digital public administration is becoming a new direction in legal development, while new institutional formations are being created within the law. The study proposes to consider technologies in law as a complex process and a link for building a national legal regulation system in the context of digitalization. The conducted research expands the legal understanding of information in digital form and also the relationship between information, information technology, and digital communication channels. The formed proposals for improving legislation may be timely and relevant due to the transformation of public administration and the building of a digital economy as part of developing the information society.
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