This study was conducted to reveal the attitudes of physical education and sports teacher candidates towards individual innovativeness and using student-centered teaching methods and techniques according to dependent and independent variables. The scale of attitude towards using student-centered teaching methods and techniques (SAUSCTMT), which consists of 27 items and 4 sub-dimensions, developed by Koç (2014), and the individual innovativeness scale (IIS), which consists of 20 items and 4 sub-dimensions, developed by Hurt et al., (1977) and adapted to Turkish by Kılıçer and Odabaşı (2010) were used in the study. The necessary permissions were obtained for the scale method used in this study, with the decision of the Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Committee of Mardin Artuklu University, dated 08.06.2022 and numbered 2022/6-3. The sample of the study was composed of 132 students and the data obtained were analyzed with the SPSS 25.0 software. Unpaired T-Test and One Way ANOVA tests were used in the analysis of the data obtained from the participants. Also, a "Pearson correlation analysis" was conducted to determine the level and the direction of the relationship between dependent variables. In the correlation analysis, it was seen that the strongest relationship was positive between the “SAUSCTMT” and the valuing sub-dimension (r= .859; p<0.05). In the study, it was determined that national athlete teacher candidates and those who had education in the sports management department had more positive ideas. As a result of the study, it was determined that physical education and sports teacher candidates' attitudes towards individual innovation and using student-centered teaching methods and techniques were nearly at a moderate level.
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