The scientific publication is devoted to the study of publicity and openness of the judicial process as components of access to justice in cases considered in civil proceedings. The methodology of research, the basis of which was a set of general scientific and special methods of cognition of legal phenomena - dialectical, systemic, systemically structural, formal-dogmatic, hermeneutical and method of factor analysis. The key role of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in the process of application, development and implementation of international standards of publicity and openness of the judicial process as part of fair trial is emphasized. The essence and content of the principle of publicity and openness of the trial, as well as its relationship with the basic functional principles of civil proceedings – legality, publicity, adversarial and dispositivity, have been clarified. It is concluded that the implementation of the concept of electronic legal proceedings under martial law in Ukraine requires a comprehensive, humanistic approach to the introduction of electronic document management, the use of modern digital technologies in the implementation of correspondence with participants in the civil process and procedural actions with their participation, simplification of the transfer of applications, complaints, petitions through the system of electronic cases, creating conditions for preventing subjective influence on electronic legal proceedings.
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