
Galicain-Volhynian state

How to Cite

Mereniuk, K., & Parshyn , I. . (2024). THE CUSTOMS OF WAR IN RUS IN 13TH CENTURY: BETWEEN LEGAL REGULATIONS AND SOCIAL CONFLICTS. Lex Humana (ISSN 2175-0947), 16(1), 535–556. Retrieved from


The aim of the paper is to analyze legal regulations and customs of war in Rus in 13th century. The research incorporated content analysis, focusing on relevant contemporary studies and individual conclusions that formed the basis for understanding development of Galician-Volhynian state in the specified period. In results it is shown, that the evolution of war declarations in Rus is discernible through historical records, revealing a variety of methods used for such announcements. Prince Svyatoslav's 10th-century proclamation, encapsulated in the phrase “I'm coming for you,” serves as an illustration of the cultural significance attached to war declarations within the Rus’ian military elite. In diplomatic contexts, war declarations often occurred through ambassadors, with diplomatic envoys enjoying inviolability. During local wars the Prince of Kyiv emerged as an arbiter, but disorder persisted. Prince Roman Mstyslavovych proposed a reform in the 13th century, advocating the election of the Kyiv prince to enforce peace, but it was not implemented. In medieval Rus’ian warfare, the capture and acquisition of booty played a pivotal role, shaping relations between factions. The fate of captives shifted from free individuals to slaves, reflecting economic changes. Moreover, it is evident that plague and famine did not significantly hinder conflicts among the Galiciann-Volhynian princes and their neighbors. In conclusions it is indicated that the medieval elite persisted in pursuing their interests, only deviating from plans when the consequences of the prevailing war reached truly critical proportions.



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