After the Second World War, the international community began to pay more and more attention to the protection of human rights and freedoms, as evidenced by the adoption of a number of fundamental international documents. Nowadays, the defense of human rights and freedoms is becoming a priority not only for a single democratic state, but also for the entire world. A number of Declarations and Conventions declare the unity of the international community in the development of the legal system for ensuring human rights and freedoms. To date, democratic states have ratified most of these documents, thereby committing themselves to bring their national legislation in line with European legal standards in the field of human rights and freedoms. At the same time, there are certain exceptions to every rule, which is also the case in the area of human rights and freedoms, since legal equality cannot be the same for every person, of course, with the exception of such fundamental rights as the right to life and health, since their restriction is out of the question. In this regard, the article attempts to answer the question, the essence of which is that ensuring human rights and freedoms does not mean equality for everyone.
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