The proposed article is devoted to the public administration of economic activity within the context of war and the related political crisis. The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that military conflicts continue to cause significant changes in national and international economic structures, and adaptation to these changes is an urgent task for the government. The article aims to analyze the challenges and strategies for managing economic activity within the context of the military-political crisis. The subject of the study is the public administration system in this challenging period. A set of methods is used to achieve this goal, including comparative analysis and modeling. The study shows that military and political crises require a significant restructuring of the public administration system. Compared to peacetime, the wartime period is characterized by a broader range of tasks that the public administration system solves. They include mobilizing resources, re-profiling manufacturing, stabilizing the economy, ensuring supplies, as well as maintaining social stability and transparency. The lack of flexibility in responding to these challenges can lead to catastrophic consequences. Therefore, business administration should be flexible and creative to adapt successfully to new conditions and challenges. The research findings have significant practical implications, as governments can use them to plan and implement management strategies during a crisis.
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