
Operational and search activity.
Illegal weapons trafficking

How to Cite

Klymchuk, M. ., Dyka, O., Trosteniuk, T., Naumchuk, K. ., Galagan, S. ., & Priakhin, Y. . (2023). COMBATING THE ILLEGAL CIRCULATION OF FIREARMS: LEGAL, CRIMINOLOGICAL AND FORENSIC ASPECTS. Lex Humana (ISSN 2175-0947), 16(1), 230–248. Retrieved from


In the scientific publication, based on empirical data, analysis of current legislation and the viewpoints of scientists, a comprehensive analysis of combating the illegal circulation of firearms from a legal, criminological and criminological point of view was carried out. In order to implement the state policy of Ukraine in the specified area, the need for: standardization of legislation for joint crime control and improvement of information support for this activity is argued; strengthening measures of criminal liability for crimes related to the illegal circulation of firearms; ensuring proper accounting and control of firearms in organizations and citizens; carrying out joint coordinated measures to prevent and stop the most dangerous crimes committed with the use of firearms; conducting joint special operations to prevent the illegal manufacture and circulation of firearms, etc. The priority areas for effective countermeasures against the illegal circulation of firearms during the pre-trial investigation and in the course of investigative activities have been determined: using the possibilities of covert investigative (detective) actions; strengthening of cooperation between police bodies, border agencies, state security bodies and special services; active use of agency and intelligence activities, information-analytical and information-prognostic investigation support and others.



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