The scientific study of the motives, the degree of necessity, and the criteria of sufficiency of state information security included several research areas. First of all, the authors established that state information security is a component of the national security of any country. This part of the work of state bodies has a regulatory and normative basis, a developed professional apparatus, and institutions that collect and disseminate information. Since the beginning of the development of digital technologies in the late XX - early XXI century, the world has experienced an information revolution. This revolution was made possible by the invention of the Internet and the expansion of the sphere of influence of actors on society and its interests, as well as on the perception of reality. The study establishes the chronology of the formation of information threats to the country and society by creating a model of growing danger and, accordingly, the reaction of the state and law enforcement agencies to increasing problems in an information space. The article identifies the motives for the formation of events defined in space and time due to information noise, information chaos, information fake, information warfare, and information terrorism. The authors outline the criteria for responding to each level of information threat with appropriate actions. In addition, they identify the requirements for the sufficiency of the state's response to information threats of various kinds, taking into account the following principles: legality, the primacy of international law over national legislation, property rights in the process of ensuring information security, economic feasibility of database protection, impartiality, and continuity. The level, scope, and extent of the state's defense of its population and society is still controversial. This can violate the rights and freedoms of people and citizens established by the state. The study was conducted using general and special methods. The general methods used include the dialectical method, which is based on fairness, comprehensive research, and the use of the systematic nature of scientific knowledge; the logical method in presenting materials; the functional method in combining parts of the study with its main topic; the systemic and structural method in forming integral parts of hypothesis proof. Special methods of scientific knowledge include: historical method when studying the sequential development of information threats; the method of system analysis when comparing information threats and the state response to their elimination; generalization of regulatory and practical materials when conducting research.
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