
a support group
home care
the burden of family careers

How to Cite

Stárek, L. . (2023). SUPPORT AND EXPERIENCE OF FAMILIES CARING FOR A SENIOR WITH DEMENTIA. Lex Humana (ISSN 2175-0947), 15(2), 524–537. Retrieved from


The public, experts and government programs agree on the importance of supporting life in a natural social environment at all stages of life. Family care allows patients to live in a familiar environment, with close people, and minimizes the loss of closer and wider social ties and favorite activities. Compared to residential facilities, it is cheaper, preserves the patient's quality of life and prolongs the activity and self-sufficiency of such patients. Caring for a loved one suffering from dementia is in most cases a significant burden for the caregiver with negative consequences in the psychological, somatic, social and financial areas. This paper aims to highlight the importance of family carers and to reflect on questions and topics which have risen from the research conducted.



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