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Chıldren's Albınısm
Educatıonal Lıfe

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Yaşar, Öznur. (2022). WHITE CHILDREN’S BLACK PROBLEMS: PROBLEMS EXPERIENCED BY CHILDREN WITH ALBINISM IN THEIR EDUCATIONAL LIFE. Lex Humana (ISSN 2175-0947), 14(1), 111–120. Recuperado de https://seer.ucp.br/seer/index.php/LexHumana/article/view/2168


Albinism, which occurs due to insufficient or no secretion of the melanin pigment secreted by the body, is defined among rare diseases. Albinism disease affects all hairs in the skin, eyes and body. The occurrence of the mentioned problem in the production of melanin pigment causes problems such as low vision of individuals with albinism and tremors in the eyes, etc. This situation affects all areas of the life of individuals with albinism as well as their educational life. Although albinism has many known or unknown types, it causes the body to be sensitive to light, have poor vision and experience strabismus etc. In this study, the subject of education of individuals with albinism is discussed. The purpose of the research is to address the problems experienced by individuals with albinism in their educational lives. The data of the study were obtained through in-depth interviews with seven people, five students with albinism and two parents of students with albinism, through a semi-structured questionnaire. Analyzes were made as a result of the interviews. As a result, it was determined that individuals with albinism experienced problems related to vision, appearance, teachers, peers and families while continuing their education.

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