This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the ongoing challenges face in Portuguese justice system. Over the past two decades, the Portuguese justice system has witnessed a series of significant reforms, each aimed at addressing the evolving needs of society, improving efficiency, and enhancing accessibility. This article pretends to provide valuable insights into the impact of justice reforms, its challenges, and the path forward. Methodologically, in order to fulfill our objectives a mixed analysis was used. Firstly, we analyzed the reforms implemented by the Portuguese government from 2002 to 2022. Posteriorly, we used descriptive statistics to assess if those reforms had a significant and desirable impact on the court’s performance indicators. The results led to the conclusion that the Portuguese reform process is marked by twists and turns caused by the lack of coherent planning. Performance indicators have evolved in a more fruitful direction; however, they have not yet reached the desirable values, and many reforms have not been able to fulfil their expectations.
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