
Legal linguistics
nuclear physics
International nuclear law
Children’s rights

How to Cite

Tehrani, P. N. F., Firouzjaee, A. K. ., Ziazi, H. S. ., & Farazandehpour, F. . (2024). LINGUISTICS OF THE INTERNATIONAL LAW OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS ON SYNONYMS WITH THE APPROACH OF CHILDREN’S PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH. Lex Humana (ISSN 2175-0947), 16(3), 103–151. Retrieved from


In this article, an attempt has been made to homogenize the three sciences of legal linguistics, nuclear physics and international nuclear law with each other so that the different layers of pure linguistics can be applied with the properties of atoms and sub-particles that make up it. This topic can be used optimally in the direction of abstract support for children's rights, and radiolanguage is no exception to this rule, which can bring peace and stability in international relations, and on the other hand, language bring violence and jeopardizing the safety of children all over the world. If we can use the radioactive gravity force in the nuclear reactor of our mind according to international legal treaties to maintain the health of children's physical and mental dimensions, we will definitely see favorable results in this field, which is explained in the relevant article. International treaties play an important role in bringing this process to the fore, and one of the most important treaties in this context is the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which can be linked to legal linguistics by interpreting the provisions of this treaty. Using the present research, we should reach the core of legal linguistics of nuclear physics in order to protect children's rights. The study method is valid library and reference databases.



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