
Artificial Intelligence
Legal Research

How to Cite

Siqueira Loureiro, S. R., & Loureiro Oliveira, N. (2024). BEHAVIORAL BIAS ARISING FROM THE USE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN LEGAL RESEARCH. Lex Humana (ISSN 2175-0947), 16(3), 70–80. Retrieved from


 The present article aims to highlight the importance of artificial intelligences and their consequences in the field of legal research, covering both negative and positive aspects in academic, judicial, and professional realms. It also seeks to present how this is reverberating in people's behavioral biases due to the use of these new technologies. Additionally, it shares ethical factors that must be respected for the appropriate use of this tool, ensuring it does not harm its users. Furthermore, it brings some examples of artificial intelligences that can be utilized and their different purposes. The qualitative methodology with a bibliographic review was employed.



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