This theoretical essay delves into the significant efforts undertaken by Brazilian courts in the realm of Access to Justice. It underscores the profound interconnection of these efforts with the construction of Judicial Governance and the challenges posed by the United Nations 2030 Agenda. Using the comprehensive database of the Judiciary Power Statistics System, which gave rise to the Justice in Numbers 2024 Report, this research identifies and examines the metrics of Access to Justice. It draws from the existing literature on this subject and showcases initiatives related to this theme on both national and global scales. Our research takes a unique approach, applying the Access to Justice Scale we developed. This scale, comprising various indicators, assesses Brazilian courts' structure, distribution, and performance. We put our research into practice by applying the Access to Justice Scale to the labor segment of the Brazilian Judiciary. This involved constructing data panels that gathered the variables of the Regional Labor Courts, providing a real-world context for our findings. Our research has significant implications for the future of Access to Justice in Brazil. We found that the database provided by the National Council of Justice lacks indicators related to access and humanization of justice. Instead, most variable focus on the structure and productivity of the courts. This underscores the need for a more comprehensive approach and the development of an agenda prioritizing Access to Justice and how the population can obtain this access.
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