The purpose of the article is to analyze the provisions of the Criminal Code of Ukraine regarding subjects of criminal offenses encroaching on pharmaceutical activity. Research methods are: monographic analysis, systematic analysis, comparative and legal analysis, generalization, forecasting, etc. The importance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that in connection with Ukraine's intention to join the EU, Ukraine must harmonize criminal legislation with the EU and implement EU legislation into the criminal legislation of Ukraine to ensure criminal legal protection of pharmaceutical activity. Pharmaceutical activity is an obligatory component of health care in the state and an independent object of criminal law protection. The subject of a criminal offenses is an element of criminal offenses that encroach on pharmaceutical activity. We have emphasized that it is important to study not only a general subject, but also a special one, which may be characterized by such characteristics as an official position (such a subject is an official); specialty (profession); family relationship with the victim (such a special subject can be a father or mother); official or other relations with the victim (a special subject can be a person on whom the victim is materially or professionally dependent), etc. It has been proven that the selection of a general and a special subject in the elements of criminal offenses of specific types makes it possible to find out the specifics of the mechanism of harm to pharmaceutical activity, which is expressed in the rupture of social ties in the content of the relevant components of pharmaceutical activity, subjects and "non-subjects" of pharmaceutical activity.
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