Military operations cause various violations in the state security system, including an increased criminal activity. This requires improved and innovative response to offences and crimes, which include forensic computer simulation of offences. The aim of this work is to determine an approach to the development of a forensic computer model of offences in the context of military operations and to assess its potential advantages. The research involved the method of statistical observation, the rating method, the analysis of risks and potential failures using the FMEA model. The conducted research revealed an increased crime rate in Ukraine after the full-scale invasion. The increased number of particularly serious crimes by almost 9 times requires special attention. This gave grounds to propose the directions of application of the method of forensic computer simulation of offences — forecasting and analysis of crimes, geo-informational simulation, etc. An algorithm for the development of a forensic computer model for predicting terrorist acts in the context of a military conflict is proposed. It is noted that the effectiveness of this model depends on the correct identification and assessment of possible risks for the security system, which is proposed to be carried out using the FMEA model. The application of the FMEA model for predicting terrorist acts is the novelty of the study.
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