Every marriage that is dissolved either because of divorce or the death of a spouse, it is obligatory for the wife involved to undergo a period called 'idah. The provision of this 'idah period contains several objectives to ensure that women's welfare is protected throughout the period as well as to fulfil the maqasid of sharia in general. Thus, the change of times and the lifestyle of women nowadays who focus less on the implementation of 'idah has caused confusion among Muslims, especially women in the implementation of 'idah based on the findings of previous studies. This study was conducted to provide a knowledge and understanding about the basis of the ‘idah implementation in terms of the variety forms of ‘idah duration so that it can be well understood by the community. This is important in ensuring that Islamic Shari'a is well be preserved and overcome problems in family institutions as a result of urbanization. Through a qualitative approach, this study utilizes secondary sources such as scriptures, previous studies and related books. The use of document analysis method is applied in analyzing the content at the same time producing a formulation that coincides with the goal of the study. The debate about the period of 'idah and the laws of its implementation is a form of knowledge that should be mastered by every Muslim, especially in Malaysia. Without a good understanding, the implementation of 'idah outlined in Islam has the potential to be practiced without fulfilling the requirements of syariah. Thus, this study is expected to help the community, especially women, in better understanding the basis of the ‘idah implementation without taking for granted at the purpose of its shari'at.
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