Accessibility of justice and equality is the realization of one of the fundamental rights of a person and a citizen - the right to protect their legitimate rights and interests with the help of the most democratic and effective tool for such protection, which is justice. This fact is reflected in both international legal acts and Ukrainian legislation. However, the issue of justice accessibility for all categories and groups of the population still remains quite acute. This is quite understandable due to the complexity of the judicial system, the insufficient legal culture of the population, and, in addition, insufficient legislative support for the implementation of this constitutional right. These circumstances emphasize the relevance of scientific research in identifying and overcoming issues of justice accessibility. The main research object in this article is the social relations that arise in ensuring the constitutional principle of accessibility of justice for all individuals, legal entities, and public entities. The research subject is the legislative provisions in this area, as well as the views of contemporary Ukrainian scholars on the concept and essence of the principle of justice accessibility. The scientific novelty of this study lies in establishing the multidimensionality of this principle and its conditionality both by removing obstacles to access to justice for all categories of persons and by establishing a system of state guarantees ensuring access to justice. Also, this criterion makes it possible to assess the actual efficiency of the judicial system itself based on this criterion. The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that the judicial system plays an essential role in a democratic society. Since one of the main principles of our state is the rule of law, the judiciary should adequately fulfill its function. The judiciary is independent, and the principles enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine guarantee such independence. These democratic principles, on which the judicial system is built, determine the peculiarities of the legal system. The democratic nature of the justice principles lies in the fact that they ensure that justice is administered on an equal basis, only by a court, collegially, by independent judges, openly, using the state language, with the process recorded, and in full compliance with the law.
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