The article focuses on the features of the legal regulation of protecting the family's rights and interests in the European Union. The study examines the specifics and general aspects of the laws of various EU countries, including their historical, cultural, and social background. The importance of this analysis is based on several aspects. First and foremost, there is a strong need for an academic understanding of EU family law and the specifics of its sources. It is also essential to consider the uniqueness of EU family law, in particular, its unique system of sources, as well as the significant differences between the sources of EU law and international norms. The focus is on the protection of children's rights, the duties and rights of spouses, and the importance of international treaties and conventions in drafting national legislation. This study aims to provide a detailed research and comparative analysis of the features of the legal regulation of the protection of the rights and interests of the family in the European Union. For this purpose, the following methods have been applied: 1) the dialectical method for the analysis of social processes in the eu countries; 2) the formal legal approach to the study of legal relations and sources of family law; 3) the comparative analysis of eu regulations is based on the theoretical principles and specifics of family law. A systematic approach to the analysis of the specifics of EU family law and a historical view of its development are also used. In the context of globalization and international integration, the issue of unification of legal standards, especially within structures such as the EU, is becoming increasingly important. The research results will be helpful for lawyers, scholars, and anyone interested in current trends in European family law.
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