This article focuses on examining the formation of authoritarian and democratic political regimes throughout recent centuries and their consequential impact on contemporary political landscapes. The study emphasizes the political and legal aspects inherent to each regime type while analyzing both the positive and negative attributes associated with them. Furthermore, this article presents contemporary country examples that represent either authoritarian or democratic political regimes, alongside an exploration of historical underpinnings and influential factors that have contributed to their varied formation. Additionally, this paper includes reflections on the development of democracy within the twenty-first century, considering the challenges that have emerged in this era. Furthermore, this article explores the potential challenges and issues linked to digitalization, particularly the risk of it being exploited by autocratic leaders, transforming it into a tool for reinforcing authoritarian regimes. The research reveals that certain characteristics intrinsic to a democratic regime can be subverted and employed deceitfully to create an illusion of valuing citizens' opinions. This manipulation of public sentiment often occurs within countries governed by authoritarian regimes. Moreover, this study examines specific features and underlying foundations of the aforementioned political regimes, shedding light on the mechanisms through which power is sustained within each system.
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