The article presents the evolution of the concept of justice accessibility, including its correlation with other theoretical doctrines. It explores the main theoretical approaches to understanding justice accessibility and equality, conducting a systematic and interdisciplinary analysis of the trends in the professionalization of the legal process and its relationship with justice accessibility, disputes, and the prevention of discrimination. The paper also formulates proposals for further development of procedural legislation. It provides forecasts on the evolution of procedural and legal science as a whole, considering both the trends of professionalization and the need to ensure justice accessibility and equality within the framework of the Constitution of Ukraine. The research is based on a procedural-legal approach, a comprehensive approach to justice accessibility and equality, and an interdisciplinary methodology for identifying intersections of law, philosophy, and sociology in the research area. It is determined that justice accessibility should be understood in two aspects. Firstly, justice accessibility is an element of the right to judicial protection, ensuring the possibility of achieving the goals of a fair trial. Secondly, justice accessibility refers to the general theoretical concept encompassing organizational, institutional, procedural, and other guarantees that can effectively implement the right to judicial protection without discrimination and violation of equality. The research substantiates that professionalizing judicial procedures is a trend in developing procedural law. It involves optimizing the court, parties, and representatives' professional resources. In Ukraine, the most apparent manifestations of professionalization are: the expansion of procedural obligations of the parties; increased qualification requirements for representatives; specialization of courts. The accessibility of justice implies the existence of real, not formally illusory, opportunities for legal defense. The real nature of judicial protection is ensured by the need for rational legislative regulation of issues related to obtaining judicial protection and the absence of disproportionate, unnecessary restrictions on procedural rights and discrimination; the need for persons interested in obtaining judicial protection to comply with procedural law requirements. Ensuring access to justice and the legal process have the same goal: to realize the right to judicial protection by an optimal set of legal means without unnecessary social and economic expenses.
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