Human rights are inherent and inalienable rights belong to every person without any kinds of discriminations and which is essential to lead a life with basic human dignity. The serious and inhuman human right violations during the Second World War makes the world to think about the importance to protect the human rights and fundamental freedoms to ensure a peaceful world without war and any kinds of human right violations. Those discussions and efforts were resulted in the establishment of an international organization called United Nations. According to the Article 1 of the UN Charter the principle aim of the UN is to ensure the international peace and to fight against the activities with effects the international peace. The UN Charter also point out that it is impossible to ensure international peace without protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms and ensuring and developing good relationships between the nations. By recognizing the importance of enjoyment and ensuring of peace in the modern era, UN declared that right to peace as a sacred right and protection of which is a sacred responsibility of the state in 1984. Later in 2016, UN adopted Declaration on Right to Peace. The Article 1 of The Declaration states that everyone has the right to peace, so that all human rights are need to be protected and the development is fully realized. According to The Declaration not only the states but also all other agencies and institutions working in international and national level should co-operate to ensure right to enjoyment of peace to all persons. This research is focused on the research question that whether the right to enjoy peace is essential to lead a life with human dignity in the present world? The basic objectives of this research are to study the impotence and nature of right to peace and to establish the relations between right to peace and the enjoyment of other human rights which are ensured under different international human right law. This research will also analyses the different dimensions of right to peace.
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