The authors have characterized reformation processes in the justice sphere, which have been recently taking place in Ukraine. The main objectives identified in the Strategy for the Development of the Justice System and Constitutional Judiciary for 2021-2023 have been analyzed. The main obstacles affecting the processes of improving the functioning of the judicial power and the administration of justice have been established. The problems that arise during the implementation of the main provisions of the Strategy for the Development of the Justice System have been identified. Examples of controversial draft laws that negatively affect judicial reform in general and the stability of the judicial system in particular have been provided. It has been asserted that the main purpose of certain draft laws is to gain control over a part of the judicial system, which negatively affects the improvement of the courts activities and the development of the judiciary. The authors have studied the main problems that determine the need for further improvement of the functioning of the judicial power and the administration of justice, as well as have offered the ways of their elimination.
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