The topicality of the article lies in the fact that in the conditions of the re-codification of the Civil Code of Ukraine, military aggression against Ukraine, changes in economic relations, and the adoption of new regulatory and legal acts as a reaction to these changes, customers and participants in public procurement deserve proper legal protection of their rights and interests. Yet, most relationships are not only complicated by their legal nature but also require the actual participation of representatives in procedural relations, which is why there is a constant demand for legal consulting and legal representation services.
In this article, the authors point to the dynamics of public procurement procedures for the purchase of legal consulting and legal representation services. Scientific works devoted to considering issues of state procurement of legal consulting and legal representation services have been summarized. The main conceptual contradictions between the contract for purchasing legal consulting and legal representation services and civil law consulting have been established and characterized.
The article also examines the current problems of public procurement of legal services in Ukraine and EU countries, as well as possible transformational changes in the field of public procurement in the post-war period.
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