Improving the legislative and regulatory support of higher education institutions (hereinafter HEIs) in Ukraine is a priority for the state to build a competitive and efficient education system and ensure the development of human capital in the long term. The problem of regulatory and legal support concerns the imperfect regulation of the functioning of HEIs and insufficient funding for the development of their own infrastructure and scientific community. The article aims to analyze the problematic aspects of the regulatory and legal framework and to search for tools to improve the quality of legal support for HEIs. An important research direction is to determine the key principles for building an effective legal mechanism for regulating the activities of HEIs and increasing their competitiveness with a focus on the state vector of development and European integration. Improvement of legislative and regulatory support, based on the results of the study, should be carried out through reforms and the adoption of a global strategy for the development of Ukrainian education. The article analyzes the peculiarities of the legal and regulatory framework and outlines the main shortcomings. Furthermore, due attention is paid to measures and tools for the development of HEIs from the legal point of view. The research methodology is based on the use of various scientific research methods and analysis of regulatory legal acts to identify their shortcomings and opportunities for improving the policy of legal support for the activities of HEIs. These problematic aspects of the activities of higher education institutions in Ukraine can be key factors for eliminating shortcomings and becoming a means of building an effective education system.
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