The aim of the study was to develop recommendations for improving international standards for the treatment of prisoners, and their implementation in international and national penal legislation. The following methods were used in the research: anamnestic method; descriptive analysis; forecasting method. The Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners and the European Prison Rules are the background and the main reference point for pursuing a human-centred penal policy at the national level in individual states. They combine the justice of punishment and humane treatment of prisoners, and are aimed at their resocialization and correction of these people. The main directions for improving the standards for the treatment of prisoners in the penal system are: health care, living standards in prison, ensuring the prisoner’s full and timely access to information, guaranteeing the fundamental rights of prisoners, communication with the outer world. The main directions of the national penal policy are cooperation in the field of standardization of the treatment of prisoners, implementation and application of international standards in this area, and adaptation of the current legislation of individual states to international rules for the treatment of prisoners. These recommendations give grounds to propose making changes to international and national regulatory acts. The research opens up prospects for further search for an effective solution to problematic aspects in this area, in particular, guaranteeing the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of prisoners to the maximum possible extent in the context of prisons.
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