The study aims to investigate the concept, content, and nature of law digitalization processes taking place in the modern world. The paper examines an important direction of research that suggests that real provision of digital human rights calls for a state mechanism for their protection along with the search for an optimal legal compromise between the access of law enforcement services to information and the right of citizens to confidentiality. The study utilizes the method of induction, systemic scientific analysis, and comparative legal and historical methods. The leading method at the basis of solving the research problem is the comparative legal study of the digitalization of law. The paper categorizes and analyzes the processes of law digitalization and the closely related social processes of today, explores (based on the example of digitalization of legal relations on the protection of property rights to intellectual products) legal mechanisms of digitalization of patent services and specialized law firms. The authors conclude that the use of electronic distance voting will enable the science of constitutional law to discover new scientific approaches to making amendments to constitutions and statutes of constituent entities of the federation, as well as significant positive trends in practice that contribute to social justice, public administration efficiency, and anti-corruption.
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