The article examines e-government development stages in Russia from 2002 to the present in the context of contemporary reform. In the first phase (2002-2009), the federal target program "Electronic Russia" was implemented along with a major administrative reform. The federal target program "Information Society" (2011-2020), especially the key project "E-Government" (2011-2015), defines the second phase (2010-2015). The third phase (from 2016 to the present) marks the beginning of the development of the concept of "Government as the foundation". It has not been implemented yet but has generated great interest and sparked debates about the future of digital data and the digital infrastructure to collect, process, and store them. The authors of the paper conclude that the continued failure to adapt to the new principle of distributed and delegated management in different political spheres without clear administrative boundaries will be decisive, foreshadowing more obvious and necessary reforms.
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