In this article, the authors aim to differentiate various categories of the peasantry according to the views on property to develop an optimal research approach that will allow for an objective and comprehensive analysis of the attitudes and behavior of the peasant population of Russia during the P.A. Stolypin course of agrarian policy pursued by the autocracy. The study shows the validity of using the peasantry's attitude to property as one of the key criteria for assessing the degree of efficiency of the Stolypin reform. The selected criterion allows one to show the evolution of this attitude depending on the social characteristics of a particular category of peasants. Aimed at creating a stratum of steady owners in the village, Stolypin's reform frees the peasants from the petty fiscal and bureaucratic oversight of the state and introduces new legal practices in relations between peasants. This reform had a huge impact not only on the development of legislation in Russia but also influenced the history of the country's development in the 20th century. The methodology proposed in the article is applicable in modern legal practice to assess the consequences of reforms for society.
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