The study considers the right to apply to the court, analyzes the prerequisites for exercising such a right, and determines issues in the implementation of this right in the Russian court. To study the research topic, the authors of the article used general scientific methods (systemic, theoretical, and historical analysis) and special scientific methods (comparative law, logical, technical, and legal analysis, specification, and interpretation). This study analyzes the conditions and prerequisites for exercising the right to apply to the court in the Russian Federation. Although the conditions for the exercise of this right are enshrined in law, the related norms are mostly discrete in nature. This allows the Russian courts, guided by the principle of judicial discretion, to interpret such norms in their own manner, which actually limits the right to judicial protection. As a result, the authors of the article have formulated a theoretical definition of the right to apply to the court, revealed issues in the implementation of this right in the Russian Federation, and determined the prerequisites for exercising this right in the Russian court.
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