The article consider the main directions of judicial control over the activities of the investigator, inquirer to compensate for the damage caused by a crime at the stage of the preliminary investigation. Authors used methods of knowledge, which allowed a comprehensive review of the relevant areas of judicial control. Using the methods of analysis of materials of criminal cases, authors have concluded that more than a third of the compensation for damage is provided by court decisions on petitions of investigators to seize the property of guilty persons. The results have shown that in this case, an important role is played by an effective judicial control, which is carried out from the moment of initiation of a criminal case and the end of the preliminary investigation. The authors analyzed the system of the implementation of judicial control over such procedural actions and decisions of state bodies and officials involved in criminal prosecution, as: seizure of property and the return of criminal cases by the court to the prosecutor. All this is due to the fact that these procedural actions and decisions play an important role in ensuring compensation for damage caused by a criminally punishable act.
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