Ensuring human rights and civil rights is one of the core missions and efforts to implement in each country. In recent years, in Vietnam, the issue of ensuring human rights has achieved many successes associated with the cause of innovation and comprehensive development of the country. That achievement comes from many factors, including the great influence of Ho Chi Minh's Thought, which has modern values and has been effectively applied by the State. Legal education on ensuring human rights has also been applied by many subjects of Ho Chi Minh's ideology. However, the application of Ho Chi Minh's ideology in this field has just begun, there are still many aspects that need to be approached and researched to apply more effectively, meeting the requirements of strengthening work. legal education, ensuring human rights, building a socialist democratic rule of law state in Vietnam in the coming time. In this article, the author focuses on analyzing and clarifying some issues about awareness, viewpoints and application of Ho Chi Minh's ideology in legal education on ensuring human rights in Vietnam.
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