Effective technology measures have been recognized as emerging points in the Intellectual Property Law in Vietnam, amended in 2022. The article analyzes regulations on effective technology measures to safeguard copyright in the network environment. At the same time, the article also covers regulations of other countries where there is development and leadership in effective technology control. The article’s content is based on the use of technology in copyright protection, thereby mentioning some limitations and proposing solutions to Vietnamese law in deploying technology efficiently in the protection of copyright in the digital environment.
Chinese Copyright Law
Decree No. 17/2023/ND-CP dated April 26, 2023, of the Government, detailing some articles and measures to implement the IP Law on copyright and related rights.
French Intellectual Property Code
La Duy: “What solutions prevent video piracy?”, People’s Army, https://www.qdnd.vn/van-hoa/doi-song/giai-phap-nao-ngan-chan-hanh-vi-vi-pham-ban-quyen-video-701932, [accessed on April 3, 2023].
Nguyen Thi Ngoc Tuyen: Measures to protect copyright under Vietnamese law – Comparison with the CPTPP Agreement, Science & Technology Development Journal - Economics - Law and Management, 5. 1780-1787, 2021.
Thanh An: “Copyright protection in the digital environment: Between matrices,” Development Sciences, https://khoahocphattrien.vn/khoa-hoc/bot-khi-trong-champagne-xuat-hien-the-nao/20230427022416643p1c160.htm, [accessed on May 1, 2023].
The Government’s Decree No. 105/2006/ND-CP of September 22, 2006, detailing and guiding the implementation of some articles of the Intellectual Property Law on the protection of intellectual property rights and state management of intellectual property, amended and supplemented by Decree No. 119/2010/ND-CP of December 30, 2010.
Tran Thi Tu Uyen: Digital watermarking system and digital watermarking application in digital photo copyright protection, VNU University of Engineering and Technology, 2017.
Trong Dat: “Protecting digital content copyright with Make in Vietnam technology,” Vietnamnet, https://vietnamnet.vn/bao-ve-ban-quyen-noi-dung-so-bang-cong-nghe-make-in-vietnam-697397.html, [accessed on March 29, 2023].
US Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Vietnam Intellectual Property Law (amended in 2009, 2019 and 2022)
WIPO Treaty on Copyright (WCT).

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