With the intensification of efforts to achieve the established national development goals, the search for new conceptual approaches to management in the public sector is becoming urgent. The role of information technology in management is growing, and the coverage of key functional areas of organizations by automation tools is expanding. The volume of tasks, requirements for the results of activities, and the content and quality of information used to make management decisions are rising. The introduction of a modern system of controlling as an element in the organizational structure of government agencies, public institutions, and public corporations is impossible without creating and applying an automated electronic environment that provides information support for effective decision-making. Creating such an environment is the purpose of the presented study. The research employs a wide range of applied methods of economic research: the methods of classification, groupings, general scientific methods of comparative analysis, forecasting, and modeling. As a result, a model of an automated electronic controlling system environment for public sector entities is developed, along with a step-by-step process of its implementation.
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