Transdisciplinarity has started to attract attention in teaching and research, including in international law, because finding the most appropriate solutions is a current challenge in the context of the dynamism given to international society by the fan of numerous mutations, global crises and developments. New technologies and discoveries in biology and medicine can lead to new and disciplinarily complex situations that require an adapted legal response. Sustainable development often expressed through the alternative concept of living well within integral development and modern technologies have changed the way people work and business is conducted, producing an increase in inter-connectivity and collaboration against issues of adaptation to different cultures, age differences, perceptions and ways of working, characteristics that are beginning to circulate in research and education. Our proposals and conclusions concern the adaptation of international academic work and in essence truly herald the season of change for which the key is multi- and transdisciplinary preparation for this new era. For the elaboration of this article we used the exploratory method, based on primary and secondary sources.
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