Our country has been experiencing difficult times. In the conditions of war, it is extremely important to spread the issue of combatting corruption in order to preserve the unity of Ukraine as a state and nation, as well as to spread Europeanism and values. Ukraine is facing a big challenge now – joining the European Union. This requires striking reforms to fully integrate into the European system, including strengthening the fight against corruption. Therefore, the purpose of the academic paper is to reveal the development of methods, strategies, bills, measures for the anti-corruption program, which is of particular significance nowadays. The academic paper’s writing process included such methods as data analysis, synthesis, generalization, justification, and qualification. The last year was significant for the state anti-corruption policy. After all, the Anti-Corruption Strategy until 2025 was adopted and the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025 was developed to implement the Strategy. These are strategically important and essential documents for Ukraine. They will reduce the positions of corruption in the state; they are a signpost for implementing important reforms for society and the coordinated work of all government bodies. The most significant achievement in the field of anti-corruption policy is the rejection of the new Anti-Corruption Strategy, which was one of the conditions for granting Ukraine the status of an applicant for the EU class. By the way, colossal work was carried out on developing and approving the State Program for its implementation. This is actually a step-by-step plan for reforming 15 socially important spheres with the highest position of corruption, which is especially important for the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine, accession to the OECD, as well as synchronization with the recovery processes of Ukraine.
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