The paper analyzes the role of state regulation in ensuring the efficient use of forest resources in the Far North and equivalent areas. The study examines a set of measures for the development of an efficient state regulation mechanism for the development of depressed forest areas in the Far North and equivalent areas based on the example of the Komi Republic, Russia. Such a mechanism will increase the efficiency of the use of the region's natural resource potential and turn it into a factor of economic growth. As a critical component of the mechanism for efficient state regulation of the development of natural resource and infrastructure potential of forest territories, the authors propose to incorporate a comprehensive program to create and develop small and medium forest enterprises, improve corporate governance, develop innovation infrastructure, and introduce a process approach to management, considering the specifics of traditional occupations and trades of the forest population in the Far North and equivalent areas, based on traditional and modern approaches. The underdevelopment of state regulation with respect to the efficient use of natural resource and infrastructure potential of depressed forest territories and its impact on the conditions of stabilization of reproduction processes raises the need for further improvement of the theoretical, methodological, and organizational-economic approaches to improving the regulation mechanism for advanced socio-economic development.
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