Índices de Avaliação do Saneamento, Saneamento Básico, Universalização do Saneamento, Resíduos Sólidos UrbanosAbstract
Sanitation incorporates services and operational facilities in its concept, aiming at the universalization of water supply, sewage collection, solid waste, urban cleaning, urban drainage, and stormwater management. Given this fact, the Brazilian National Sanitation Information System, SNIS, under the management of the Ministry of Regional Development, which is responsible for collecting data from local providers of sanitation services. This study applied statistical tests in the analysis of the evolutionary scenario of sanitation in Brazil (2012-2016), exploring data and showing improvement points, obstacles, and trends in the indicators, which could guide and support the management and management of sanitation in the country. Information and indicators contained in the SNIS’ annual reports on solid waste management were observed, focusing on: per capita expenditure on solid waste management in relation to the urban population (IN006); coverage rate of the direct home collection service of the urban population of the municipality (IN014); mass collected per capita in relation to the urban population (IN021); rate of solid construction waste collected by the city in relation to the total amount collected (IN026); rate of recovery of recyclable materials in relation to the total amount collected (IN031) and rate of waste from health services collected in relation to the total amount collected (IN037). From the elaboration of graphs and the analysis of the statistical tests, it was possible to compare the data and show characteristics and deficiencies of waste management in the macro-regions of Brazil. Coverage of household collection has remained at high rates with average values above 89 % in the period from 2014 to 2016, although there is a deficit in services to residents of the North and Northeast regions. It was also evidenced an increase in expenses related to the management of urban solid waste and the difficulty in ensuring the economic and financial balance of the sector. The generation of waste from health services has increased, and so has the final disposal without prior treatment which deserves attention. That said, the verification of this information contributes to the diagnosis of the country's health situation with regard to solid waste, in order to subsidize management and decision making with a view to the universalization of services.
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