Management in civil construction has historically had numerous shortcomings in its production process. A solution to such deficiencies is the application of the Lean Construction (LC) philosophy, which establishes that the real progress of a production process can only be achieved with the continuous identification and elimination of activities that do not add value. The objective of this work is to analyze, from the perspective of lean thinking, the process of executing seals in masonry of ceramic blocks of a case-unit, focusing on the stages of receiving, storing and transporting materials. For this, a case study was carried out in a residential building, where the stages of receiving, storing and transporting materials belonging to the construction process of masonry of ceramic blocks were analyzed, as well as the level of transparency existing in these processes of the case-unit. It was concluded that the low level of transparency of the case-unit promoted a work environment with a scarce flow of information, resulting in a production process without standardization, with a high level of uncertainties and with countless wastes. In addition, the traditional model of conducting the work meant that such waste was not taken into account during management, making it invisible within the production process.
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